
The new look? It's the Nap's. Of course!

I want to take a minute to thank the incredible Nap Warden for her help.

Her talent is brilliant, and her friendship is treasured.

When I emailed her that I was feeling a bit down in the dumps, (and when I say down I might mean HORRIBLY DEPRESSED) and I told her that I thought perhaps a make-over would perk me up, she was on it like fruit flies on the turtle cage in my classroom. (It's a science experiment.) And I adore it. She tried to convince me to use the glass woman the first time, and I was finally ready.

In other news, Munchie will choose a winner for the necklace AND Sara's OTHER signed copy of her book tomorrow afternoon.

And after a wild and crazy pajama day here in Smythe, Oregon, I am happy to report that Frank went a whole day without ONE TIME OUT.

I was incredibly distracted by his spiderman pajamas that he ingeniously coupled with a Ninja Turtle cape and some Abominable snowman slippers.

Unfortunately, I left my CAMERA at home.

I almost forgot! BlogHer grabbed my lecture to the Gov. They posted it today! :-)


Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I love Nap Warden--when I explained that my avatar didn't accurately reflect my true shape she sold me with, "This is the easiest weight you'll ever lose." She was right!

Unknown said...

I adore the new look..Nap Warden you are a gem :)

looks like it's a new attitude for everyone :)

Lady Estrogen said...

My twin 2yr olds have recently taken to telling me when the other deserves a time out - it's such a treat. pssft.

Jill said...

It looks GREAT! Reminds me that I need to get in touch with her .... obviously my blog is not going to makeover itself. :)

Maggie May said...

i really like this!! clean and classy lookin! like you ;)

RottenMom said...

Of course Blogher grabbed your post. You are brilliant.

I think the glass woman is perfect!

Macey said...

I love the layout!
Um. Seriously. You gotta email me and tell me if I'm a dork for thinking you live in OR. Do you?? lol

Sue said...

I like the new look, with my favorite being you in your martini glass! I think this is just what you needed! Looks great.

Take care, Sue

Reading Rosie said...

Hot...Sizzle, Sizzle!!!

Loukia said...

I love your new look! Looks great!And I love Nap Warden, too!

Brian Miller said...

love the new look VM! and way to go frank!

Twenty Four At Heart said...

Love it!

Anonymous said...

I have so missed your blog! Guess it's going to take some time to get caught up from the now almost two weeks that I've been away!
I have also missed my own blog that I have terribly neglected.
I'm so sorry you forgot your camera. That would have been a great memory moment! And Congrats to Frank for no time outs!!!

Notes From ABroad said...

I love Nap Warden.
I also like her hat .. are you wearing one just like it ? :)
I heart you too ~

LivewithFlair said...

So sorry you were down in the dumps. Tomorrow's a fresh day! I still can't wait to get together.

As Cape Cod Turns said...

Yay to Nap Warden for spiffing you up a bit! Hope that gave you the spring boost you needed. Spring is coming some time soon, right?

Momo Fali said...

Yay, Naps! Yay, Vodka! I hope this made you feel a little more shiny and a lot less dull and in the dumps.

Today was our pajama day. I could get used to wearing lounge pants to work.

Alexandra said...

Holy Moly:

talk about changing the tide:

LOVE the new look.

Can't wait to read the BlogHer post.

You are turning it around, VM, I LOVE that.

網頁設計 said...

hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!

抓姦 said...

hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!

偵探社 said...

hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!

尋人 said...

hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!

討債 said...

hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!

討債 said...

Thank you, that was extremely valuable.

法律諮詢 said...

hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!