(When the line above appears in the Re: section of the note from the sub, you might want to grab a glass of wine before reading.)
Yes, I was out the other day for some kind of incredibly important training. I received the following email from the substitute, whom I know. Needs no other intro.
Dear Mrs. Smythe,
First, I want to say that I hope you had a great day at your training! Thanks for the great plans, and you were right- your para is amazing!
First, you have established a great routine with the children and we completed all the morning activities according to your plans. Everything went very smoothly. Well, until lunch.
I won’t bore you with the details of Frank’s antics at lunch, for I’m sure that your paraprofessional will fill you in with those. After lunch we went outside, and when we were out at recess Frank managed to find the only pieces of ice left on the playground and then he proceeded to eat them. They were filthy and disgusting. He refused to give me the remaining pieces, and ran circles around me before I convinced him to stop. We managed to get him inside with the rest of the class, and got him focused on listening to the story I was HOPING to read to the class.
That was when Stanley and Frank decided it would be fun to have a wrestling match on the carpet. While most of the class tried to ignore the show, there were several children shouting and watching in delight. (I’m sure you know who they are.) During this incredible WWIII wrestling match, Suzy decided it would be a great time to dump the entire tub of toys on the carpet in the kitchen area. (How she snuck in there I will never know.) I instructed her to clean it up, and returned to the situation at hand. (The wrestlers.) I got things taken care of, and when I checked on Suzy 20 minutes later NOTHING had been cleaned up. She was, however, having a great time laughing and hiding under the 4,000 toys that were covering the floor.
There were several other incidents, but I think you get the picture. An overwhelming majority of the class was beyond excellent today, so I don't want you to think it was just an awful day. But those four or five little ones sure made me wanna have 5 or 6 tall ones at the end of the day...
Thanks again -- ask me anytime. I love working in your room -- even when it's making me feel about 80 years older than I am --because it's always interesting, which keeps me on my toes, and the kids make it all worth it in the end.
I’ve decided that this is the year you deserve a GOLD MEDAL. Get a hold of me if you have any questions – but not tonight. I am having beverages – and plenty of them.
(check over here today. If you're not busy, of course.)
Print this out and save it for when you eventually wind up in court about Frank!
If I were you, I'd feel like Frank cheated on me with another teacher.
That is hilarious. IS that seriously a REAL,and yet not at ALL enhanced, Email?
Wow...i love how she ended with the Tall Ones...you know what she means.
HAHAHAHA Kindergarten teachers don't get nearly enough respect.
A classic case of taking advantage of the substitute teacher!
When the cat's away, the mice will play!
I bet she deserved every one of those tall beverages!
alright if you ever need a sub call me...i could use the excuse...smiles.
Your sub must have a great sense of humor! And she's willing to come back....that's even better.
As a fellow teacher, it does my heart good to get a note like that. Then I know it's not just me!
Hang in there...
Ummmm, I love that little Frank. Stanley and Suzie are quickly catching up in my affections. Someone else touched on it, but really isn't taking advantage of the sub just sort of standard procedure for kids? I'm sure they meant no harm. Sweet little darlings just stretching their limits and pushing to see how far they could go with the "fake" teacher. I remember having similar experiences with substitute teachers when I was in school Well, not ME, of course, it was always some other kid that kept getting me, uhhh us, in trouble. I never did a thing, always sweet, well-behaved (ahem)
Oh, look, there's a butterfly!
I was out Mon-Wed this week, and I didn't get any notes like this one. :( I did, however, get plenty of reports from coworkers regarding the unacceptable behavior of my little darlings. >:(
Is it wrong that I'm about in tears ... from laughing? Oh the joy you must have on a daily basis.
LOL! Thank you for being a teacher! I couldn't do it but I'm very grateful people like you and your para and your amazing sub can!!! And, I love love love reading about it on your blog!
Wow. To have a sub like that... AMAZING!! Because she gets it. Oh, if only 90% of the world got it...
Happy Friday to you... and your traveling road show :)
That's why I can never be a teacher.
Sounds like you missed all the fun. ; )
i heart frank and i'd buy that sub (and you) a drink if i could
OMG, I truly believe that teacher unions, especially for k-2 teachers, should trade in sick days for liquor vouchers in their contracts!
As someone who subbed for 15 years I can just nod my head and snicker. Those were the days! Now that I'm in the office, I get to hear all kinds of stories from the subs and the teachers when they return. Most recently we had a student go missing on a sub for a period, only to find out he was sleeping under the coats and the other students knew he was there all along. And people wonder why we keep all the doors locked!
That is hilarious. Best letter ever.
that is completely awesome.
What is that old saying... "When the cat's away..." Sounds like your crew had a big day. Your sub's sense of humor is a hoot.
Have a great weekend, jj
I'd drink, too. Though I might have been tempted to jump in there with the pin slap down, declare a winner, and get back to the story! : )
Other than you being the best teacher ever, she was the best sub ever!!!
I agree: You deserve a Gold Medal and the sub deserves to be asked to come back because she sounds rather cool! I esp. love how she uses CAPITAL LETTERS strategically. :-)
Wow, I'm putting in writing that you all get a raise this week! While I hold absolutely no weight with your boss, at least you know, it's the thought that counts. That is cracking me up and wearing me out all at the same time.
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