
Sometimes angels are five years-old. (And named Albert.)

I spent a bit of time this morning during Morning Meeting explaining to the children why Mrs. KeepsMeOutOfTrouble wasn’t in school.  Some of the children knew, and I struggled to find the words.

I began by explaining that she had suffered a loss in her family, and immediately several children piped up.   Apparently there were some important discussions at the homes of these children last night, and for that I was thankful.

We talked about broken hearts, sadness, love and angels.  

And after a long morning filled with incredible emotion and exhausting conversations, I sat in my chair feeling a bit overwhelmed.  It was then that Lord Albert came up to me quietly, thrusting a package into my hand.

“Mrs. Smythe, I forgot to give this to you before Christmas.  Here,” he said with small smile. 

I opened the tiny package, still a bit numb from the morning, and was stunned.  It was the one thing that lifts us all when we are in the deepest of despair.  The one thing that has kept me swimming towards the surface.

Thank you, Albert; thank you.


Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

The one thing...

Chris Wood said...

As a teacher, I'd like to say, well done. Albert must have a lot of respect for you.

All the best.

Karen Harrington said...

Love and love and love. Albert, you are a good egg.

luckeyfrog said...

Sometimes kids are blessedly oblivious, but sometimes they are surprisingly adept at figuring out when you need some love.

Thinking of you, and your friend's family.

Brian Miller said...

nice...albert is my new fav...smiles....

Gigi said...

in tears.....

Hope. Something we all need.

RottenMom said...

Oh...sweet Lord Albert. Beautiful.

Jean Campbell said...

Angels come in all disguises. They also come in all sizes.

Anonymous said...


Just Two Chicks said...

Aww, kind of like Clarence... the guardian angel. Perhaps Albert has a bit of this going on, yes? :)

Sue said...

"HOPE", my favorite word, came to you had a perfect time! Funny how life works that way, isn't it?

Take care, Sue

quiltmom anna said...

Hope is a powerful thing- I think it was a beautiful ornament. Oh my though- I think I would have found it would have been hard not to fall apart completely at the sight of it. The power of words and of a small child..
Life does sometimes work in mysterious ways.
Warmest regards from Western Canada,
Anna ( aka quiltmom and a kindergarten teacher too)

Dawn said...

God works in mysterious ways... My mom used to tell me that. Guess she knew what she was talking about.

Joanna Jenkins said...

Bless Albert's heart.

Hang in there, xo jj

mo.stoneskin said...

Spot on, and a precious moment. Thank God for hope.

Karishma said...

That is so.. so .. sweet.

P.S. My blog turns one today! I have been You are invited to my blogs virtual b

likeschocolate said...

That is not fair! You have me crying now. How sweet!

Anonymous said...

It seems like every time I find myself hanging by a thread, some angel comes along and throws me a rope to grab onto. I don't know why they keep doing that, but I guess it means I'm just not supposed to give up yet.

So grab onto that rope Albert threw you, and hang on.

Angels...I'm starting to believe in them again.

Mandy_Fish said...

That is powerful.

phsymom said...

Whew! That had me teary eyed here at my desk. What a sweet moment and a much needed blessing.

SkylersDad said...

Oh man that was great. Albert has some pretty darn good timing.

Ingrid said...

hope and love

Roshni said...

just read your earlier post. Words cannot express how sad I feel for your friend.

jb said...

Gosh, that is so incredibly sweet. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's boy. I recently lost someone dear to me, and while I am sure it is nothing like losing a child, I sympathize with all my heart.


Bill Lisleman said...

nice kid - it would be nice if we could give hope that easy. I clicked over to the post about the loss - wish them and you the best. I loss a cousin last week. Younger than me. Very sad and her mom my aunt was there. The world doesn't go right enough.

So. Cal. Gal said...

Just yesterday, I was visited by a childhood friend that I hadn't seen since we graduated high school. We were talking about classmates who have since passed away and she got teary, talking about a boy who passed away when we were 12 y.o. We're in our late 40's now and still keep in him our hearts.