
Things I learned (against my will) today.

1.     Tiny creepy crawly insects with a million legs are called millipedes.
2.   Millipedes love old, damp stone houses.
3.   A broken hose on a water heater can leak for a week or two or THREE until it finally bursts, causing water to fill a basement until finally you have an in-ground pool. You won’t notice it at first, because you might be on an adventure and the daughters who are home working won’t venture into the basement while you’re gone.
4.   Millipedes love old, damp stone houses that have a basement full of water. In fact, they love it so much they might invite, oh, let’s say one BILLION of their closest friends.
5.   Millipedes can’t swim.

Nothing stinks MORE than a BILLION dead millipedes floating in a basement covered in water.  


(Oh there’s more…but I’m so damn tired I can’t finish the story.  It does have a happy ending.  Well,  maybe NOT for the millipedes…)


Brian Miller said...


ChiTown Girl said...

Thanks. I haven't had the chance to throw up a little in my mouth in a while now.

Dawn said...

I'm guessing millipedes are about as equivalent to as stinky as a ladybug infestation. YUCK!!

Waiting to hear about the happy ending. :)

Japolina said...

I think a million stinky dead ones is still better than a million live ones crawling around your house.

Mrs. E said...

Does this fall into the category of when it rains...?!

Carrie Lynne said...

Happy endings usually cost more money.

Unknown said...

Oh no!! Sucks!! Waiting to hear more about the happy ending!

Mellodee said...

OOO00h, icky, icky, yuck!! PTUI!!

Infestation is one of the most dreaded words a home owner can hear! Whether it be ants, crickets, millipedes, or WATER, having a bunch of stuff and/or things that don't belong inside where we live is just THE worst! I've had a flood and I have had a bunch of bugs but to have them both together??? Oh God, just kill me now!

Sooo sorry. I'm sure it was beyond awful. Very glad there is a happy ending though.

Utah L said...

I expected to hear about the Happy Ending when you posted about the Massage, not dead bugs !

Scope said...

It could be worse...

No, no it couldn't.

SkylersDad said...

Well hell, maybe you can charge for the indoor underground pool?

Didn't think so...