Every month after I finish my column I breathe a deep sigh of relief. Whew! Then each month, I panic! “What can I possibly write about next month? I’ll never think of anything! I’m doomed. “ It’s the same routine every month.
As we journey into this land of thankfulness, we have many discussions about why we celebrate this holiday. I asked the class what Thanksgiving was, and I got a variety of answers. Some said it was day where we thanked people, but most said it was a holiday about eating. Now, for some of us (okay, me) every day is a holiday about eating. There is definitely something to celebrate every day, right? I personally like to celebrate the fact that I made it through another day. Anyone with teenagers knows what I’m talking about.
Back to the Thanksgiving discussion- I proceeded to explain to the children why we eat on Thanksgiving. I got to the part where I told them that the pilgrims came across the ocean on the Mayflower and landed in our country, and at this point one young fella (the unfortunate guy who was absent when the mascot for our local college team made the surprise visit to our classroom) piped up with a loud moan. “ Aw, man!!! I always miss the good stuff! I was at my nona and poppie’s all weekend.” He felt better when I explained that this happened a long, long time ago. After a lengthy and confusing discussion, we talked about what we were thankful for. I told them some of the things I was thankful for, hoping to be a good example, and this is what they told me,
· I am thankful for my sister Heather’s kitty Pepper. I love her!
· I am thankful for my dog. He’s dead now. But, I am thankful for him.
· I don’t really know, but there is something stuck on my shoe.
· I am thankful for my Illinois Jersey
· I am thankful for my fish.
· I am thankful for my family. (YEAH!)
· I am thankful for macaroni and cheese.
· I am thankful for toys.
· I am thankful my mom borned me.
· I’m thankful for tissues. (So is the teacher.)
Some days it is hard to conjure up things that I am thankful for. There are many days when things just don’t go right. The bills are due, someone needs lunch money, it’s time for new winter coats (Why do kids have to grow?), that winter sport is not free, they need new shoes, haircuts, and the car battery is really, really dead. On top of that, the dog needs to go to the vet, grandma’s birthday is next week, the laptop died, Smith library needs to be paid for that missing book, someone is screaming for money, and we could use a few groceries.
But then, when the hectic day is coming to an end, I sit back and relax. I think I can come up with one or two things I am thankful for. My children are healthy, fairly happy, and safe asleep in their beds right now. (The best time of day, don’t you think?) My parents might be gone, but I have a wonderful brother and sister that I am truly thankful for. I have a hubby that I am still crazy about, and his family still likes me. (crazy, huh?) I have great friends and co-workers who graciously carried my family through two tragic losses last year. (You know that social fund to which we all contribute each year to ensure that flowers and cards are sent to colleagues when needed? Well, it is not a good sign when you end up with all the cards and flowers.) I have a wonderful class this year, as always, with children who are caring, loving, and very, very funny.
Yeah, I’m thankful. When everyone’s in bed, the house is quiet and the day is done, you’re darn right I’m thankful.
I did enjoy it. Thank you very much :)
In fact, it made me decide to do thanksgiving this year. First time in my life. But I warn you: I'm gonna do it my way, and turkey-free (of course) cos one thing for sure is that those turkeys? They ain't thankin' NO ONE.....:)))
Thankful we'll be cooking a small turkey this year (if you know what I mean).
Great post..you hit it on the head. Sometimes it's hard to think about what you are thankful for until the end of the day. Teens in their own bed fast asleep, quiet house and good health...ditto here. Have a great week.
I'm thankful my mom borned me too.
I'm thankful that I like turkey and can resist a few desserts.
thankful for re-runs, would never git caught up
I'm thankful for all the smiles and chuckles I get when I stop by here and find a new post.
I love recording what the students are thankful for... always fun and enlightening.
Yep, you're high on my list of blogs I'm thankful for! You make me laugh--at you, with you--whatever!
I'm thankful for your blog
I had not seen this before and so glad you reposted as I just love it, especially your ending where you're happiest when everyone is home and safe in bed!
What The Peach Tart said goes for me too. :)
Oh, yes. The quiet house where everyone is safe and well and right where they're supposed to be... Thankful indeed.
Oh and thankful for peanut butter, cept when it gits stuck to the roof of my mouth
You make me feel blessed. Thank you for that.
Aw, loved this. Has me excited for the big day coming up. I love Thanksgiving: lots of great food and friends and no gift buying stress.
And always love to hear what the kiddies have to say.
Thank you!
Very nice, VM. Important to remind ourselves of those good things.
I'm also thankful for the Turkey Hat on sale at Christmas Tree Shop - cause that thing is freaking hysterical!
i am thankful for you today and the smiles your post gave me...had a chance to hang out with a few turkeys on my friends farm this weekend...i will be thankful for them in a couple weeks...with gravy on top.
I did enjoy it, very much! Brought a tear to my eye!
I, too, and thankful for mac and cheese.
I liked this Monday morning reminder about thankfulness!
Beautiful, and timely. I love this time of year...
Yup. As a nanny, I'll be doing handprint turkeys and asking little rugrats what they're thankful for soon too - and the answers will be better (aka - fall-down funny) than anything I could expect, I just know it!
I am thankful I found folks out here like you!
Also, I am thankful my mama borned me also...
I hope you're teaching them to sing "Any Turkey can tango (switch)". My Little Guy's been practising every night!
I'm thankful for Pumpkin Pie... that someone else makes :-)
This is a great, timeless, post. Thanks for sharing. I didn't see it the first time.
I so enjoyed it:) Im "THANKFUL" for finding your blog;)
I enjoyed that list! I'm also thankful for mac & cheese, and that there's nothing stuck to the bottom of my shoe at the moment.
its a great post! And,in my book, holidays are all about eating too!!
Here's what happened in my class (we had Thanksgiving last month):
"Okay boys and girls, who wants to raise their hand and tell me what they're thankful for?"
Jane (the FIRST child I call on): I'm thankful for JESUS!!"
Bob:"Miss! Miss! Jane said a bad word!!! She said a bad word Miss! My Dad says that word ALL the time, but he says JESUS CHRIST!"
(the hole I had to dig myself out of included explaining that Jesus was a person...I firmly closed my classroom doors first. How many kids do you think went home and told their parents they learned about Jesus in school??)
Lovely and interesting...I thought it sounded like a "different you"...and it was.
much love
I'm thankful for mac and cheese too.
I had amazing Mac 'n Cheese tonight (recipe from this month's Rachel Ray magazine - so easy to make). So I'm feeling very thankful.
Definitely enjoyed it. Lots of things to be thankful for! ;)
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