I want to start this part two with a bit of an explanation. I dove right into the palm reading before sharing the history that the medium shared with me.
If I could pay attention for one IOTA of a second to stuff that bores the hell out of me, I would tell you what she said. All I remember is there were some comments about the beginning of time, angels, Jesus on the cross and that we are all God. She talked for at least 15 minutes, and that’s all I got. (I’m afraid I spent most of that time trying to figure out a way to block her from reading my mind.)
So after hearing what I THINK were details about the last supper, she proceeded with the palm reading, which I’ve already shared here.
After telling me my parents were happy I was there, she told me that my father died very quickly, and put a hand to her chest. She said there was no resuscitation, which was true, and that there was no closure. My mother was there as well, she said, and also a seven year old. That one threw me for a loop.
A seven year old? She kept saying, “Who is this seven year old? What is this seven thing?”
For the LIFE of me I didn’t know what she was talking about. Then she started talking about how they said that I did what I said I would do, in terms of taking care of things, and that I should let go of the promise I had made.
All of the sudden I realized what she meant when she said seven. I blurted out, “My parents died seven years apart. To the day.”
“Of COURSE! Why didn’t you say that before? That’s the significance of the seven.”
She asked me if I had headaches, and I said no. She asked if my kids had headaches, or if there was a significance of my mother pointing to her head. I finally realized what she meant, and blurted out, “My mom fell and hit her head and died not long after.”
“That’s it!” she said. “She lingered for a while, two, three days before she died?”
“She wants you to know that she heard everything you said. And she was JUST as mad as you were.”
At that time she started telling me things and frankly, it’s still a bit of a blur. She mentioned that my father was talking about how and when I became a very independent person, about choices that I made and the struggle I went through. I think she said he was proud of where I am, but I can’t be sure.
She then told me that I am very content with a simplistic life. That I wasn’t a materialistic person (nuts) and that it was because I was in a monastery for two previous lives. (Monastery? MONASTERY? Jesus, here I thought I was a queen or something and was put here to learn a lesson about being a lowly working woman.) I felt like shouting, “Will I EVER wear Prada? Dolce???? Man.
And now, out of respect for my dear sister who is a loyal reader of this blog, I will not discuss the conversation that happened at this point. She thinks this is all hogwash, and that I wasted the hard earned money I saved to be able to have this experience. I respect that.
The medium did say that we are all here on this earth to learn something. We plot out our course, and we have lessons that we are to learn. She also talked about free will, and kept bringing that up.
She talked about my being a teacher, and helping 28 kids every day. (I have 25 in my class, and my own three. That’s what I suspect the 28 meant.) She said that I use compassion when I taught them, and help them learn in an environment of love. She talked a bit more about my role in the lives of young people, and it made me smile.
I tried very hard during this encounter to be tight lipped- to try and see what information she gave me without having any clues. However, it’s hard not to get caught up in the moment. I am sure that people who visit her are looking for something, and she surely knows that.
She did say some things that were not so easy to hear, and those I will keep to myself. (When someone tells you they say only the good stuff, don’t believe it.) It gave me something to think about, and at the very least will help me improve the quality of my life.
She gave me hope about my writing, and I am smiling in that regard. I am feeling quite content with the direction it has taken, and am hopeful that this journey will have a clearer destination.
She talked a bit about dreams, and about the dreams that I have. (I can’t remember if I mentioned them to her on the phone when we first spoke, or if she just knew.) She said that we travel in our dreams to learn, and that I travel and visit often with those who have passed.
All in all it was an interesting experience. I wish I had turned on a tape recorder so I could remember all that she said. It’s still a bit of a blur, and I’m sure I left out more that I will remember later. Do I believe it? I’m not sure.
The jury is still out.
I noticed in your tags you wrote "i will never go again" which is understandable if the jury is still out, bit it does sound kind of final!
It also sounds like you had a decent experience with your first medium and perhaps felt a bit more at ease with your parent's death, as much as anyone can, anyway.
Sounds like a fascinating experience. I hope you got what you wanted from it.
Sounds like a neat overall experience. It must have been surreal at times.
Doesn't she contradict herself though in that she believes in God and Christ, but multiple lives and not heaven? And how can she talk to your parents as spirits if they would have been reincarnated?
I have so many questions.
I do believe some parts, I've gone to a psychic a couple times and so many things have been dead on it's freaky. She told me we would be moving to Germany a year before I knew we were. And she also told me we would stay 4 years not 2 and it's starting to look like that may come true. I wanted to ask her if I would always be fat but seem kinda trivial. I would see my girl again she also does phone readings that are quite accurate also. Cool experience.
Too bad she didn't tape it for you. That is usually the norm for good readers.
I'm glad you were able to go and get some questions answered (and now of course, your left w/ more questions...)
Just fascinating!
Even if you don't go back for another reading, this will sustain you for a LONG time (and I'm willing to bet you'll remember things all the sudden.)
Heck, maybe your monastery robes were Prada...one never knows.
Very interesting stuff! If there is an afterlife, I wonder if my parents will hate each other as much as spirits as they do now in the real world!?
It all makes me go hummmmmmm... I love reading about it and think it's cool you went. Did it help you in any way?
My mom went to a psychic once when I was a kid. She was fairly accurate about us, in a vague way.
You will remember what she said when you need to remember. Something will trigger the memory and you will find yourself saying, "Ahhhh, now I get it."
We all have the power within us to do what this woman does. I bet you'd be really good at it Vodkamom.
Come on! Share the good stuff! I am sure there was an embarrassing story or two in there, perhaps even.... sexual? ... ;^)
intriguing, really. witht he future suggestions they give, it just may be the encouragement needed to make it happen...the stuff about your fam...i dunno...too much unexplained out there..
sounds like a very interesting experience! i've looked up going to one in my area, but they all seem kinda weird- in the sense they have these super unprofessional websites. i would fly anywhere to see this lady you saw...
I went to a psychic reading last weekend. I'm not sure either if it helped much... I also think that people with a gift are not dead on. Especially consdiering free will, so it should be taken "with agrain of salt."
Thank you for sharing your experience. Not sure if I am brave enough to............
I once had a man grab my hand out in public and he told me he could read palms. His girlfriend was with him, so I figured it wasn't a pick up line, so I let him continue. He told me all kinds of things about my past. He said I was too secretive and isolated and that I didn't trust anyone and that there was no need for me to hide myself away from the world anymore as if everyone will hurt me. He told me photography was going to play an important roll in my life in the future. He told me I would have big hurdles to face soon - (and he was right, two years later I was in the hospital with a ruptured blood clot in my spine which left me in a wheelchair, and I had to relearn how to walk and use the toilet and everything!) - but that I was a fighter and I could do it.
I have never been sure if it was true or not. Maybe he just says random things to people which we then end up attaching meaning to. I mean, it's not like he said "girly, you've got a blood clot in your spine that might kill you - go get an MRI quick!!" he just said "difficulty" and "hurdles" and, frankly, who the hell doesn't have difficulties and hurdles in life?
Fascinating, huh? If given the chance, I'd have a palm reading again. I'm not sure if I'd believe it, but I'd try.
I'm glad you seemed to have enjoyed the experience.
I 110% believe people who have passed communicate with us still here. It's happened to me numerous times too.
But I think you are open enough to your parents speaking with you through your dreams, that you don't need an expensive medium to continue that conversation.
Your parents will find a way to get their messages to you, like they have in the past. They will show up every time they cross your mind, too. It's just sorta how it works.
Generalities can be made to seem unique and personal.
For a kid(me) who peeked into every present - birthday-Christmas-etc. I've never wanted to know the 'big' secrets. I didn't find out what the sex of my children were going to be and I can not imagine at this point in my life EVER wanting to know what lies ahead of me... try as I may to control my journey.
Well, thank you for not making us wait until Sunday night. It was almost against my will t hope Sunday night would get here quickly! LOL
Very intriguing story....
Thanks for sharing this. I definitely want to give it a try one day.
At least you got a post out of it.
I'm a believer!
You will remember the parts that are relevant as you need them.
She sounds great, and on the level. Very good!
Very interesting. I'm not sure I believe in all of it. But I'm still intrigued.
Ive had a reading before, it was wild the things she knew.....the stuff with your mom hearing all you said made me cry, that is such an awesome gift to know that....even if you dont believe it a hundred percent, sounds like it was a good experience all in all
"""My mom fell and hit her head and died not long after."""
WHAT? I guess I was luckier than I thought, having fallen and hit my head FOUR times.
My mom did a trade with someone who reads natal charts and gave the time to me for my 20th birthday. The woman told me a couple of things that made me very uncomfortable, and that with life have not ended up taking place. I was so upset by them that when she called and said she'd made a couple of mistakes and wanted to do it over I never called her back. I realized at the time that correct or not, I didn't want to know my future. If it was that predestined, I didn't want to ruin the surprise about the good things, or worry myself about the bad.
As for believing, I think there are some people who have powers, but I wouldn't know how to distinguish them from the ones who don't. I do find it interesting when I have mini experiences myself (usually recognized in retrospect) and I'm fascinated by your dreams which do seem to be qite accurate.
Hm. I just don't know what to think! I've given palm readings and predictions before (when I was a teen) and they were basically cold readings, but she seemed to peg you a few times, except for the materialistic thing, which isn't that bad. I remember in Chicago how you were itching to window shop! :-)
I'm a big skeptic and have never paid for this service. But if someone offered to pay for me, I'd listen. Curiosity, for one thing. But I wouldn't be someone looking for answers, per se, so would be curious to hear what she'd come up with.
I am dying to go to a medium. But I have a terrible fear that she'll take one look at my palm and tell me that I have an incredibly short life line and all sorts of terrible things. But it's still so tempting...
VM, hmmm..........I read the part about you boy and hubby huntin first....then the fortune teller....
the poop in the woods< i get that, the hittim the deer, I get that, monastary that that is far fetched.
Sounds very cool. You were brave to go. I think that is what keeps me away from people like that, fear of what them might say that I won't like very much.
Funny that you were in a monastary, I always pegged you as royalty.
Thanks for sharing!!!
I went to a reader once who told me I was going to have 2 children.
I had a hard time listening to anything else she said which is just as well because had I taken it to heart I would have spent the last 6 years waiting for a man in a uniform to sweep me off my feet and move me to the country.
When the session was over I said
"One thing..."
"Are one of my kids going to die?"
"WHAT?!?" She looked horrified.
"You said I would have 2 children.
I have 3. Is something going to happen to one of them?"
"YOU HAVE KIDS?? I didn't see that! you look so young!"
I was really disappointed in the whole experience but especially because I actually do (or at least want to) believe in all that stuff.
If my man in a uniform ever shows up we'll have to have words, he's about 5 years late...
I visited one twice in my early twenties - wish I could go visit her again...
That was really cool!
I had readings done when I was young. All I remember is one person telling me I was going to have 4 kids (I have 3, but I think I may have miscarried very early on), and another telling me I was going to have twin boys and a girl (I have a girl, a boy and a female Dennis the Menace).
I have a friend who is a medium. (me I'm more of an XL girl). Seriously though she is very Spiritual and has a strong Faith. She prays before she gives her readings and well, it's amazing what she knows without anyone saying a thing. She'll describe people or events that she has no way of knowing about. It is amazing. Most of us have intuition of various levels, moments of where we know we've been there before or seen it before and yet, we never have, or sometimes even seeing or hearing something.... ... So yes Virginia, I believe there is a Santa Claus. Like Santa's there are those that are fake, those that are real good and then the real deal... Sounds like you had one of the real ones. . Blessings to you and yours. Love and Light, Nina P
Hmmn. There are also 7 days in a week... spoooky. But sounds interesting. It's always fascinating to get insights from someone practiced at reading people.
I think that if I ever went to a medium, I'd be a lot like you, second guessing and "trying to prevent her from reading my mind." But still, it's enthralling. I really think there's something to it.
I'm a little behind in my reading so you might be seeing a bunch of comments from me - I'll try not to flood your inbox.
Anywho, years ago I had a reading. The weirdest thing she said was about my husband. I was dating a guy who happens to have the same name as my husband. She said, "He has the right name, but he's not the right one." I had forgotten about this until after we were married and I found an audio tape of the session.
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