Her name was AnnaBelle.
She was gorgeous (they often said she looked like Liz Taylor), generous, a tad clumsy and hysterical.
She was my mother.
I know that many of you know her, and for those of you who don’t it won’t take but a minute to visit her here, here and here. (I’ll just grab a cup of coffee while you do.)
When I stumbled upon this house, I knew in my heart that she was guiding me. Frankly, I’m sure she said to my father, “Jesus, do we have to do EVERYTHING for her?”
After spending the winter months enjoying lovely fires and shoveling snow, I was excited about what surprises the spring might bring. In the early morning hours I take my cup of coffee and make my garden tour. I’ve been happy to see such old friends like bee balm, gooseneck loosestrife and lily of the valley.
I was thrilled to discover that there were two hydrangea bushes growing around the house. I’ve always loved hydrangeas but for some reason never had one in my own yard.
There are two different bushes here- one that grows from the ground up and one that appears to be bush that simply goes to sleep in the winter. The lovely white one that is flourishing near the house is peppered with gorgeous white flowers.
I’ve been cutting them and placing arrangements around the house and on the front porch, finding comfort in the beauty of fresh flowers.
My friend, a gardener by trade, was taking the garden tour with me last night. We discussed many flower possibilities, and stopped to admire the incredible hydrangea that was loaded with white blooms.
“That is gorgeous. You know what that is, don’t you?” she asked with a smile.
“Sure. It’s a hydrangea! I’ve always wanted one!”
“Yes, it is. But its name is AnnaBelle.”
And so she wraps her arms around me once again, and I know that I am home.
Wow, I read your blog all the time but I have never commented before. This post brought tears to my eyes. I lost my own mom 11 years ago and I believe that she is helping to guide me also. What a great sign.
This gives one goose bumps!
AnnaBelle is beautiful. I love flowers that bloom pristine white.
And from what I've read, your mother was glorious, too.
What an amazing gift. Hugs, my friend.
just beautiful...but you knew that :)
Have a great vacay
and my word verif is forpapa
Oh my freakin' hell! This gave me goosebumps and made me burst into tears at the same time. I'm completely freaked out right now.
At the same time, the absolute beauty of this 'coincidence' is not lost on me. This is one of the coolest stories I've ever heard. I'm glad your momma is there to great you every morning. How freakin' cool is that?!
awwwww :)
Isn't it awesome how our moms pop up from time to time?
My mom found coins almost every time she left the house, and she collected dimes for some reason. I find dimes all the time when I'm outside! It's my mom, Regina, saying hi!
Ditto to what KG said. A long time lurker and tears.
What a neat story!
I love the connection you still have with your mother. She would really be proud to see how strong, talented, and amazing you are.
Wow! Wonderful!
something like that just happened to me. My mom was a school guidance concealer. her office number was 211. My youngest daughter will be attending my moms Alma mater this fall ( mine too, Go Beavers) I so wished my mom could be here to see her granddaughter start school in the fall. then I though oh she is, my daughters dorm room number is 211.
So amazing and just another "sign" you did find your home.
My dad leaves me pennys, random wierdly placed pennys.
I wish they were dollars, but still. :)
So wonderful! What a gift from above.
i have annabelles in my yard. i'll cut some and think of you this weekend.
Beautiful, just beautiful. There are no coincidences I think, just things that are meant to be.
My word verif is mullarti which sounds like a Dicksensian villain. Or an unfortunate hairstyle.
Oh Vodka, making me cry again. I'm glad I didn't put my makeup on yet. What a lovely gift.
Aww. That's so nice.
AnnaBelle is a beauty.
Ohhhh! I love this for you! I miss my mom so much too and this first year without her has been so hard. I can only imagine how loved this made you feel! :)
oh... weeping .... I love you.
Aw. I'm sure your new garden is looking much better than mine this year, and I'm ok with that. You deserve it.
I just got chills! I LOVE this so much.I feel like my Mama helps me out too. And she LOVED hydrangeas!
blessed be! i'm so glad you have her near. xo
Just happy for you. I'm so glad your mother was amazing and you have great memories.
That's so lovely. I'm so glad your house is making you happy
Oh. How. Sweet... If you've visited my world lately, you've seen the blog about my big night on the stage with the sports legends. What I did not write -- because I couldn't figure out how to fit it in -- is that, on the stage there was a Hidden Ginger lily. In my family we call that a "Grannie Lily" because my grandmother had a whole row of them next to her driveway. I have ONE in my garden. And I knew she was there. Watching down on me. And smiling.... OK. Gotta go blog it now...
and i gave you one of my weekly goddess awards, come on over to collect if you like! xoxox
That was beautiful and touching. There really is no one is life quite like our mother, is there? I miss mine, too.
I know you must be enjoying your garden. It's always a good thing when we can still feel those we love close to us.
Amazing and beautiful.
lovely and reassuring to read this. this was my first time on your blog so I stopped to read the others about your mom.
i lost my husband a month ago... and i can't wait to see what he does to surprise me... i suppose time will tell :)
When heading to your blog, I ALWAYS expect insight... normally laughter, but you caught me off guard with the tears.
From someone who has lost their Mom, this truly hits home.
Thank you.
Oh, my. This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing it.
Those signs from beyond nestle deep in our hearts to bring us comfort, don't they?
No question in my mind, you are in the right place now. Peace to you.
VM, you touched a lot of people today. Thanks!
That is amazing and wonderful and made me tear up.
That was wonderful to read.
Your mom was absolutely beautiful, and what a beautiful tribute you have to her right outside your door!
Well, what do you know? That's truly lovely. *sniffle*
This was the first post I ever read and it prompted me to spend my weekend going back and reading every post. I've laughed and cried, many times. You have such a talent.
I'm your age, maybe a few years older, and don't have any kids, but found all your posts very thought provoking.
Keep it up!
This is so beautiful, I am crying. Forgetmenots remind me of my Mom, and the Northern Lights in the night sky remind me of my Dad. I love love the line, and this is what started the tears to roll, "Frankly, I'm sure she said to my father,"Jesus, do we have to do Everything for her?" You hit my heart hard with this line, I'm starting to cry again.
Sometimes things happen that make you believe in more than chance and coincidence - that there really is a little magic out there...messages to be received if we we listen and pay attention.
Big smile! That is definitely a message from your Mom-- A very loud and clear one :-)
You're blessed, xo
Love, love, love this post. I lost my dad 10 years ago, shortly before my divorce. When I started going through the divorce process I was furious at him for not being around to help me through (he was always my rock, the one I could talk to about anything). I experienced a similar sign shortly thereafter, and it seems he continues to pop up whenever I really need him.
How truly lucky we are to have parents so amazing as to know just when to reach out - through whatever means - and let us know that we are not alone.
I have chills. I adore the name Annabelle.
Oh, wow. I so believe it!
Oh i love this story. xoxoxo
Found you through Everyday Goddess, and I am so glad I did. I love these posts about your mother. I lost mine five years ago, and my heart aches to think of her.
These posts were so beautifully written you have a new follower in me.
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