was so excited for school today!
Not only was it picture day AND St. Paddy’s Day but I was sent an
amazing package from General Mills and Lucky Charms in honor of their 50th
anniversary to use on St. Patrick’s Day. (This is not a sponsored post, so hang on for the lesson…cause
it’s coming…)
planned some fun math and language arts activities for the day that all
revolved around the great (FREE) cereal and the various marshmallow shapes
sprinkled throughout the cereal.
remember Lucky Charms, right? Not
only are they magically delicious, they are a great tool for teaching sorting,
probability, data analysis and creative writing! I made it to school early, and was finalizing my prep work
for the day. The teacher from
across the hall (Mr. Perky) came over so we could go over the lessons quickly
as I had given him one of the extra boxes that came in the mail. (A good teacher ALWAYS shares.)
were laughing as I opened to box so I could prepare their “mini” bags of
cereal. I stared at the cereal.
the shamrocks are adorable!” I said.
And then looked more closely in the box. I saw huge bag of the cereal bits…and green shamrocks; tons and tons of shamrocks.
plunged my hand farther into the cereal, panicking for a moment.
Houston, I think we have a problem.” I said to Mr. Perky. “I think we have a huge problem!” I rooted quickly and then stood up.
are NO OTHER SHAPES!! There are
only Shamrocks!!!”
looked at me in shock.
can’t do any of the activities unless we have all the shapes!” I said in a
controlled panic.
he said, “We COULD wait until tomorrow. Really, it’s no big deal. We can wait!”
sat in my chair and looked at the clock.
It was 8:02. The children
arrived at 8:30. I looked at him.
the Giant is .9 miles away, and I’m wearing a dress and HEELS for the first
time this year. Can I make THERE and BACK before school starts?” He raised his eyebrows and shook
his head.
can wait,” he said with a smile, and walked over to his room to prepare for the
day. A minute ticked by and I took
a breath.
It was 8:03. I
ran to the coat closet, grabbed my coat and keys and flew down the hall to the
parking lot. I drove like a crazy
woman to the Giant, ran to the cereal aisle, grabbed the cereal and fast walked
to the self-checkout. It was slow,
and I was the only one there.
for the gentleman who checked out beside me. We were both fast and he met me stride for stride as we flew
out of the Giant and to our cars that were parked right next to each
other. I was almost there when he
turned and said,
me, but is your name Vodka?” (He
used my real first name of course, but you know…)
“Yes!” I said, surprised. I didn’t recognize him, although I must
say he was quite attractive.
just want to say I love you!” I looked at him in shock, wondering if I knew him from high school or something... Then he laughed. “I really love
your writing, I mean. I do! I love your writing in the paper!”
just wanted to tell you that my son JUST got a job teaching first grade in
Washington D.C., and if he loves his
job HALF as much as you do, then I know he’ll be a very, very lucky man.”
with that and a smile he got into his car.
hopped into mine and raced back to school. I realized as I was driving that I was the
lucky one, because that particular message was one that I needed so desperately
to hear. It was a lucky day, indeed.
Oh, and the time on the clock when I got back to my room?
Oh, and the time on the clock when I got back to my room?
And now I want cereal with marshmallows...
(must have been some 4 leaf clovers in there!)
Solid gold!
Wow impressed! And how lucky to get a boost like that from a fan.....now you having me wanting Lucky Charms...my favorite cereal!
That story was magically delicious.
Awww!!! Boom!! Luck of The Teacher was upon ye! Congratulations ~ so glad there were only shamrocks! <3
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Love it. SO glad I decided to ignore the ever-growing mound of housework to do some catch-up-on-fave-blogs-work instead. That put a smile on my face. And I do so love the word 'boom'; such a satisfying sound to it!
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