It's been quite an amazing year here at this little old blog.
I have enjoyed incredible highs, and some equally incredible lows. My family consistently makes me laugh, cry, love, fear and hope. I am constantly surprised at the twists and turns that this path takes, but savor each experience as if it's my last.
I started this blog to just put to "paper" the thoughts that used to swirl through my head on a daily basis. It replaced the old worn-out journals that now sit in my attic in an old cardboard box. Throughout this blogging process, I have always been honest and have laid in front of you the contents of my life, and my heart. I have tried to maintain my integrity and authenticity throughout this past year and a half. I blog when I have something to say which, fortunately, seems to be almost every day.
Those of you who know me personally, know that I DO have an incredibly busy, crazy, hectic wonderful life, that I wouldn't trade it for all the vodka in Russia. I tend to bare myself here, without question, and feel that if I am not myself then there really is no point to this. I try to be true to who I am, and try never to blog at the expense of someone else. I've tried to not offend anyone, or injure anyone - it's just not my nature. However, I DO tend to rant and rave about my family. I hope you all know that I love them more than life itself, and would lay down my life for each and every one of them. (Well, perhaps not the dogs. Perhaps.)
Through it all I've been amazed at the support and love I have felt from so very many of you. By caring about my life, and what I write, you have given me a new lease on life. I have been provided with a missing piece of a puzzle I DIDN'T even know I was MISSING! I read each comment, respond and visit as often as I can, and feel very connected to all of you.
I am also convinced by all that has happened this past year, that there are real angels on earth, and if there is anyone out there who doesn't believe it, you come on over and we'll share a glass or two. I've got some stories of generosity to tell that just warm my heart.
I will be raising a glass tonight to my dear family and friends, the dearly departed who hold a special place in my soul, and to each and all of you.
Now, let's all be safe out there. Ya hear?
Wow! Am I the first? Happy New Year VM, & may next year bring you happiness, peace, & many martinis! I truly enjoy the smiles you bring to my face in most of your posts (& feel for you when things aren't going so well). I'll be ringing in the new year at work (night shift on Labor & Delivery!) which is a pretty happy way to spend the night! Have a Blessed New Year!
I salute you, your courage, your family - and even your dogs!
May the coming year bring you light, angels and a little cocktail or two.
i just started blogging this year and its great to just be able to put your thoughts out there and rant if you need to. Happy new year! :)
Bottoms up Vodka Mom. I am one of those Angels...and so are you!!
Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year, VM. Even though it will be another year of your garden being second best.
and a glass of green slime, err, champagne raised to you, too, vodka mom! clink, clink!
onward to 2010!
Happy New Year VM! May there be peace, love and happiness for you this coming year. Although, with peace in the family there may not be so many funny teenage girl stories that I relate to so well as I tip my wineglass when I read you.......but peace all the same!
Have an outrageously wonderful 2010!
Dear Deb,
I want to start by thanking you for your guidance during the time of my friends parents deaths.
Even now I still go back to the email you sent me and re read it.
You truely helped me thru it a lot.
Thank you for writing such nice, funny and honest things here on your blog. I love reading what you write and look forward to seeing whats next.
I hope 2010 is Amazing for you and your family.
Hope your holiday season was wonderful.
All the best
You big sap you. I would tell you how much I enjoy your posts, but all these other hundred will do that. Instead, I will tell you how much I like YOU
And dont you ever tell anyone I ever said that. For real I know people
Happy new year! May 2010 have more of the good stuff and less of the cr*p.
Amazingly I have nothing to add to this except bottoms up. And not your ass for God's sake. You'll scare the children.
Thanks for your blogging this year. I found you in September, when I started my blog, and I visit you every day!
Now have a wonderful new year.
And Happy New Year to you, my new friend!
happy new year VM! i hope your year is filled with great memories and lots of love from that amazing fam!
It's been a great pleasure getting to know you this year. Happy New Year and may 2010 be a better one.
Happy New Year!
Have a happy new year! I was really a late comer to your site, but you make people feel at home right away!
It has been an interesting year. Up until this year, I had not written or typed out thoughts in 25 years. This was a rebirth for me!
That was fantasticlly said....!!! I enjoy your blog and am glad to have stumbled over here..although i am new here..I feel like Ive been around a bit...Happy New Year to You..!!
And a very Happy New Year to you too, dear VM!!
It has been an interesting year, truer words were never said. I'm ready to start anew!
Happy New Year, Vodkamom. :-)
I raise my stemware to you in a toast for a fabulous 2010 - God knows we need it. Your tweets have often been the highlight of my day - now that's great for you but what does it say about me? Cheers...hic...
Happy New Year!!!!
Thank you for your humor, honesty, memories and love for life. Reading your words helped to make my 2009 better.
I wish only the best for you and yours in 2010.
I actually went back and read every post you linked to (so don't I get a t-shirt for that?) and all I have to say is this. YOU are one awesome mother, teacher, wife, woman, friend!
YOU were my first follower when I started my blog a year ago and I can't tell you what that did for my self-esteem in the blogging world. YOU have the gift of lifting up others in need and taking none of the credit for it.
Have a happy, happy new year! I look forward to another year with you (and all your crazy antics).
Amen, well said, and we love you, too!
VM - I read your blog *every* day - you are the highlight of my day. Thank you. Happy New Year!
I'm reading it, and I hope you and your family have a safe, happy New Year!!!
-->Happy New Year! Thanks for sharing your life with us.
Cheers to you VM.
You know I love you, now we just have to figure out a meeting spot in 2010.
Meetcha half way!
Happy New Year sweetheart!
Clinking right back at ya! You are one of those people who just make my world a little brighter. I wouldn't want to miss a day with VM! Happy New Year!!
Hope you have a fantastic New Year!
Can't wait to see what 2010 has in store for you! Happy New Year!
"New Years' Day is every man's birthday." - Charles Lamb
Here's to 2010, here's to a better decade, and "thank you" for sharing your life. It is important for people to know that they are not alone in life, and we all have our "issues" we deal with daily. Here's a big ass "clink" back at you! Happy New Year.
Take care, Sue
Happy New Year to you and your family.
May you and yours have a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. Big hug. :)
I hope you have a Happy New Year!! I absolutely love your blog and will def stay with you through the new year!
I'm so glad I found out about your blog. You make me smile & laugh on a regular basis. Your blogs are often though-provoking, too.
Thanks for taking the time to share yourself with all of us. I hope you keep going with your blog.
A toast in the words of T.S. Elliot:
"For last year's words belong to last year's language
And next year's words await another voice
And to make an end is to make a beginning"
I'm looking forward to a new beginning on a healthy life enjoying my friends (and I too have made so many this year through blogging), family and pursuing my interests.
Thank you for being a "good thing" in my life.
I know that 2009 would have passed with a whole lot less laughter had I not found you! I know you will carve this blog into a book someday and I will be first in line to get my signed copy!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you too--I know from personal experience that it's a stressful night making sure all the kids are kept safe.
Happy New Year! And thanks. You have been an inspiration.
Happy New Year!!!
amen.. in a word :)... onward and upward 2010
I do have a belief in angels and earth-angels, VKMom, and wish for them to continue to look over you and yours in 2010. May you achieve the successes in life you dream of and thank you for sharing your life, your loves, your great wit and the bright, shining star that you are! Fhi xxx
Looking forward to another year of adventures. Wishing you and your family a prosperous, healthy and safe 2010.
Right back at you Vodka. Your words, your stories, your honesty is a light. and often a laugh.
thank-you for being you and sharing yourself with us.
happiest of 2010 to you and your wonderful family.
Hope 2010 is a great one for you! And when you are rich and famous with a bestseller (which I think you will!) I want an autographed copy!!!!
Love your blog, don't run off on us again :-)
Yes, here's to a fabulous 2010; we all deserve it!
Happy New Year right back at you!
Happy New Year Deb. Here's to a safe, happy and sane 2010 for you and your lovely family.
Thank you for writing and sharing so much of yourself on this blog.
Happy, HAPPY New Year!! Let's have a fabulous 2010, m'kay?
Well shit. You know lots of folks don't read the labels, right. So don't count on *everyone* commenting...
Damn sorry if I just burst your bubble there!
But, yes VM, I read your blog each and EVERY time you post!
And I love it!
Here's to wishing we didn't live on opposite sides of this huge country of ours!
::Clink:: right back atcha!
Thank you for all the laughs.
Thank you for all the stories.
Thank you most of all for all the genuine love.
Have a very most wonderful new year.
Happy 2010 VM, I am so very happy I found you out here!
I wish you a wonderful 2010.
May you have a Happy New Year and a blessed 2010
happy new year to you too
I'm really reading all this stuff...just don't always comment. I usally don't have anything important to say. :) Happy New Year to you and your family. Hopefully, it will be filled with more highs and less lows.
New Year's love to you!
You rock! Happy New Year!! you are one of my favorite bloggers..you tell it like it is..and I for one appreciate the honesty! Thanks for a the laughs too:)
I hope you and the family have an amazing Near Year
All the best in 2010
Nicely said, Deborah -- as always. You know I always enjoy your blog and visit often -- it's a highlight, believe me! Hope you and your family have a wonderful New Year.
Have a great New Year, you crazy lady. (Stay off those wooden balance beams. They'll get you every time!)
Happy New Year...Im so glad 2009 brought you and your wonderful blog into my life;)
Cheers to you, Vodka Mom! Thank you for being YOU!
Happy HAPPY New Year
Happy New Year, VM!!!!
You are one of my most precious finds of 2009. Sometimes you lift me up, sometimes you make me laugh, and sometimes you just make me glad there's someone as real, and as kind, as you in the world.
Here's hoping to a wonderful 2010 -- for all of us!
I just found you today, and happened on to the Grandma comedian video you posted as I was looking for your "true" Christmas letter. LMAO !!!! So much so, that I put it on my own facebook page. Still looking for your letter, but I'll find it. Every couple of years or so, I think I'd like to write one of those myself, but realize I'd have to leave out more than I could include. I soon realize that it would pretty much say: Hello everyone. We started out the New Year with High Hopes. Then Life intervened and a bunch of stuff happened that I can't share with you in this season of Joy and Happiness. Better Luck Next Year!
Perhaps next year I will take your idea and "put a new spin" on actual events. Sounds fun.
Off to look for your list again...
Happy New Year girl! What a beautiful way to say goodbye to the old year!
Looking forward to 2010!
Clink, clink, with my coffee mug at this hour :). Glad to have found you and I wish you all the best this new year!
Happy New Year and many blessings
Woo Hoo 2010!
And a toast to you, too, Vodkamom! May 2010 be filled with happiness for you and your family!
Happy New Year! I hope you have a great year and that we can meet again in the real world sometime in 2010.
Rest & Relaxation top my New Year's Resolutions this year. Here's to 2010!
Happy New Year VM! Looking forward to all the laughs in 2010.
Well, since I survived the New Year's Eve shenanigans, let me say I hope you rang in the new year with your loved ones and that you're not too hung over today.
For auld lang syne,
Happy New Year! I hope 2010 smiles abundantly on you and your family.
Happy new year my sweet, sweet friend. xoxo
Happy New Year! Here's to 2010!
It's muy, muy mutual, friend! Wishing you all nothing but joy in the new year!
XO. Happy New Year!
Amen! And here's to a happy new year, my darling Kaknockers.
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