
Funny how the parents know their kid almost as well as the teacher does. (Frank-n-sense)

I’ve been thinking for months about what I was going to say at Frank’s parent teacher conference (For about 158 days, to be exact.)

I would talk about his inability to stop talking.

I might talk about some of the choices he makes while playing at recess.

I might bring up the ketchup down the hair and up and down the arms incident. ("But it looked so COOL.")

I would definitely discuss his, um, well, defiance.

I would surely bring up the various acts of violence he has been promising to commit off and on for about 8 months now.

I might also talk about this, and this, and this and this.

But then, he gave up his sandwich.

And so when he and his parents came into the classroom on Monday morning and his face was beaming with pride as he ran into my arms, all of those thoughts flew into the air like helium balloons escaping out of a window.

I shared his many academic successes, his social successes, his funny antics and the incredible sandwich incident.

Sure, we discussed the fact that he was under the mistaken impression that I “was not the boss of him”, but his parents and I reminded him of a very important fact.

I AM the boss of him; at least for 26 more days.

(But who’s counting?)


DearHelenHartman said...

Sounds like Frank will miss you when the school year is over, Boss.

TexasRed said...

Awww... sounds like a Hallmark special :)

Leslie said...

You will never forget him.

Brian Miller said...

woohoo! 26 more days of frank...does he have a sibling you can look forward to?

Corine (@ComplicatedMama) said...

Haha Oh Frank, you will be remembered for years to come :)

Notes From ABroad said...

I guess these little Franks make the job worthwhile, no ?
I bet you will miss him... I know I will !

Anonymous said...

I AM "frank's" mom, or one just like him! I love his teacher because she can tell me the stuff he does , how she handled it, how he responded. We can both laugh (or she gives me hope when I cant help but cry). Because I know she loves her job and she cares about my kid . . . Ad always finds SOMETHING endearing to let me know she really gets him, even when. And there are lots of even when's. So I thank you . . . For frank's mom, and hope she knows him well enough to REALLY appreciate you!

Anonymous said...

I love that Frank ran to hug you! He loves you and isn't afraid to show it. That's one secure kid in my mind. God Bless every teacher! I know I couldn't have done it but I had some great ones and know some great ones.

mama to j and bean said...

Awe. Frank has left quite an impression!

RottenMom said...

Frank has the best teacher ever!

Voices in My Head said...

Something tells me your days just won't be quite the same without Frank. I know I'm going to miss him!

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

That's got to be such a wonderful feeling to touch so many little ones hearts. I'm sure Frank's parents are feeling mighty glad that they have you to teach their son.

Suzy said...

Things Frank will never be:

Used Car Salesman

Things Frank will most certainly be:

Pioneering doctor with a heart and questionable bedside manner.

Joanie said...

Ah, such a good person you are! Just warn his first grade teacher before she meets him!

I was able to vote for you again. I think it lets me do it about once a month, which really sucks!

Dawn said...

My "Frank" told me he had the best teacher in the world today... and I have SOOOO been on his case this week.
Good thing kids see through this as I care.

Good job in pointing those things out to Frank's mom...Those moms already know the bad stuff...They also enjoy hearing the good.

Alexandra said...

We will ALL miss him.

Anonymous said...

I'm counting!! But I would miss him too. :-)

Lynn MacDonald said...

I'm really going to miss Frank! But...I bet that every year there's a Frank...right?

Unknown said...

Frank's parents already know all the negative stuff - they most probably live it every day. To hear positives about your "difficult" child is the sweetest music ever. The fact that you as a teacher can draw out those positives makes you a brilliant teacher who has given him the best start to his school they could ever want. Keep up the fantastic work (for another 26 days, then you can start all over again with a new Frank!)

Kevin McKeever said...

You are going to have a long, lonely summer without Frank. Enjoy it!

Sharyn said...

I have a -ahem- challengingkid like Frank and I'd bet dollars to donuts that Frank's parents would find none of your stories surprising and could probably match you ten to one. How gloriously kind of you to mention the sandwich incident. I bet they need to hear as many of that kind of story as there are out there.

Jenean said...

He is not going to forget you. My brother was atamer Frank. some years at school were better for him than others because some teachers understood him better than others.My Mom did know how he was but also knew he was smart, he turned out well, CEO of an electronics company and has a son...who, at times, is somewhat like Frank...

Jan said...

Frank is going to grow up to be an awesome adult, you know, and you'll be partly responsible for that.

Live with Flair said...

Please, please publish the Book of Frank! I want to pre-order! All the Frank stories remind me how to love children that frustrate me or misbehave! You just have to find the good thing--that one nugget--of beauty in each of them.

Michelle said...

C'mon now. Make a girl cry why doncha? Frank is special, yes. But his teacher? She's the greatest. Next time you come to Indiana, please give a shout out so I can meet you IRL. I need to bow to the master.

Mellodee said...

Only 26 more days of Frank? (Sounds like a song title!)
Darn, that means we won't find out how he turns out. Of course, we knew it was coming but somehow thought it would take longer. Gonna miss hearing about good ol' Frankie-boy. What a great kid.

Sharon Rose said...

I have a feeling in his next 12 years of school, he will constantly remember, you are the best thing that could have happened to him so soon in life.

carrie said...

It is what he needs! I used to wel up at parent teacher conferences when I bragged about other people's kids, and that is all I could do. It always cracked me up when these tough 8th graders would show up with their moms and get soooo embarassed when I bragged on them. I loved that part of the job, plus you got the mom on your side!
I love your blog and all that you do. You are a wonderful woman and I hope you had a great Mother's Day.

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