I know, I know. Most people make “To Do” lists. Well, today I thought I’d make a “Things I Did” List for yesterday.
1. Had a knock down drag out screaming match with Sassy RIGHT before she walked out the door. Honestly, we’ve been doing it for almost 8 years now, and it just feels right. (Next time remind me that in the heat of the moment I should NOT scream the words “You’re POC MEDICINE is NOT WORKING!” It only adds lighter fluid to the already blazing inferno. )
2. Reminded The Golden Boy that I would pick him up after detention. That’s right, you heard me. D.E.T.E.N.T.I.O.N. Oh, and I also shouted at him to remember his HOMEWORK THIS TIME for God’s sake. I tried not to say, “I told you so.” It was tough.
3. Received a phone call from Bitchy - she happily informed me that she “thinks she really IS passing some obscure Bio class! WooHoo!”. Oh My Lord. That’s what our billion-dollar loan is paying for. Almost passing.
4. I forgot to take the garbage to the curb for the garbage man. I’ve got three full cans of stinky garbage that will smolder for another week. Call me crazy, but I might be the most popular neighbor by next Monday.
I need a nap.
All that in just one day? You're lucky.
Hey, your last post? Are they links to Asian porn? Cause I keep getting them on an old post I did back in the spring. Like a comment a week at least.
Well - at least it never gets boring...
I forgot to take our trash can out today too (or more accurately, I forgot to take care of Chris' job of taking out the trash today). Great...
Yikes that's one hell of a day!!
Thank God I am not the only one! My kids are still young, but I have many days where I count the minutes until they go to bed!
I live alone in a one bedroom apartment. I watch other singles in one bedroom apts take out miniature bags of garbage, so small they look like large purses.
My place has always got at least 3 big bags of trash working. I'm so embarrased to take them all out at once so I take one at a time which is why I always have three.
We're not really talking about trash here, are we?
Over here in some towns the bin collections are now every other week. If you forgot to take out the garbage you would be totally screwed!
Oh the days with kids at home. Don't miss them.
Rock on, Vodka Mom! You've managed to accomplish more in one day than I do in a week.
Billion dollar loan. LOL.
No fight with the husband? Must have been a slow day!
ok sorry what is pOC medicine?
It seems J and I have at least one good fight a week in the morning...i really try the 'serenity now!' stuff but it ain't working.
Our garbage collector is in for a treat on Friday cuz we forgot last week.
The word of the day is "fester"
Peace - Rene
Like Mo I only get my bins picked up every other week. I forgot once, not pretty.
Drop that garbage off in a neighborhood that has a pick up day later this week!
1. Time to explore new drugs?
2. You told him so. There, I said it for you.
3. Don't forget the other classes she is assuredly failing. Murphy has nothing on me.
4. You are crazy.
We have all forgot the trash at one time or another! What I always do (I mean that one time) is take it down to behind the shopping center and dump it into their bins.
Under the cover of darkness.
Dressed like a Ninja...
all in a days work...lol. i think a stealth mission is in order for the garbage as well, but do take a vid...smiles.
And I thought I was busy. But seriously, I hate missing the garbage pick up. Stinky garbage is no fun!
After a day like that, you really need to take it easy today. (You just might wanna push the garbage over closer to the neighbor's house until next week.)
That HUGE Lego ad on your page would not close. Could not read your post today as the ad covered all of the right hand side of it. Sorry...
Ah, I remember screaming matches with my mom in the heat of the stress of the morning rush. Good times.
I think you need a vodka.
What is a POC???
now that is some list! I agree with Braja-a vodka is in order
Don't you just love those early morning fights as they walk out the door? They're such a lovely, positive way to start the day.
I love the look you get after you've yelled at them to remember whatever they need to take to school. Even though your yelling has merit, they still give you the "Chill Mom" look which manages to make you look more unbalanced than ever!
I promise, you will look back at these moments and laugh (I think)!
Take care.
Every Sunday I have to remind John to get the garbage out before Monday or I will yell at him Tuesday.xoxo
POC - piece of crap? pile of ca-ca?
Remembering as a kid, how Detention seemed so awful, now I'd welcome a chance for an extra hour's nap!
You don't need coffee to get you going in the morning, do you? Forget the slow caffeine drip, go for the adrenaline rush.
Those years are in the past for me, and I don't miss the mornings at all.
and I thought my baby's-daddy telling me he's skippin' town for a job and taking the souvenir with him was a bad day!
Detentions are always scary!
Anyways, I've got something for you in my latest post. Please pay a visit and here's the link for your convenience - http://truthabtmeself.blogspot.com/2009/10/my-fist-blog-award.html
When we leave the trash outside the neighbor cat comes over, tears into it and spreads it all over the yard... time to poison the trash.
I love taking out the trash, so I feel your pain. Once a week I know what I'm doing, it is unemotional, and the results are measurable! So when I miss it, I miss an easy 'win'. And our trash day is Friday, so it means that the weekend is almost upon us.
i think i need a nap after reading this. don't you just love starting the day in such a calm, serene manner? i had cried by 8 am yesterday.
Wow. After a day like that, you need to try my method of "to do" lists. I take a piece of paper, write "Things to do today" across the top, and then write down all the stuff I've already done (cleaning, laundry, etc). I then leave it lying where my husband will find it, causing him to think I'm SUPER AMAZING and this usually inspires him to help around the house or buy me ice cream. Either one works, really. :)
why haven't we gotten together lately?
Mondays are always hell. They should be outlawed.
I am so over those screaming match days.
My older daughter and I had a screaming match one evening. My then-husband walked into the room and proceeded to get right in my face and scream at me to knock it off. WHAT????? I told him in a deadly quiet voice to NEVER TALK TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN AND ESPECIALLY NOT IN FRONT OF MY KIDS. He slept on the sofa that night. Funny... he has no recollection of that evening.
Forget the nap...
When's Happy Hour?
Big hugs coming your way!
(And that detention? We haven't done that yet, but I did enroll LD in the after school program where he is forced to do homework with teachers watching him. And he has to bring home grades every week since we found an F and two Ds last quarter.)
That is a lot of stinky trash!
Sounds like another fun day... Hope today was better!
I'm laughing because I know this is going to be my life in too short a time!
I'm thinking you should hold the stinky garbage until the first hard freeze - it'll make it less stinky for YOU to handle then!
I love you girl!
don't think of it as trash....you are working on a compost pile, so when you slaughter bitchy and sassy and golden boy, you will already have a place to stuff the bodies....
Just hang a sign on the garbage that says, "Biofuel incubation."
My oldest daughter is 29, she used to keep a spiral notebook in her closet where she recorded my offenses. (example: mom laughed at me today).
Now, her siblings just get on facebook and blast it all over the universe.
It REALLY gets better when they move out. Really. Seriously. Well, sorta. . Love ya from a new friend!
KaLynn =0)
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