Dear Sassy,
I want to thank you for the late night (screaming like a banshee) phone call you made to me last night. For a minute there, I was beginning to wonder where my darling Sassy had GONE.
But then, when you threw a major hissy fit and called me a @)*&ing b!(@*@ and a !)!(!* and then said *&#$@&#^@, it reminded me of how it used to be. Do you remember when we would call each other &#ing b#&#^*es before school each day?? And remember how you would call your brother a &@^ing (@&@(@@ before HE had to go to school?
And remember when you and Bitchy would jump on each other, and pull each other's hair and called each OTHER @!(@*ing b@#(@???
Oh, and remember that Christmas Day when we you screamed at me and told me you hated me, and then I lost control and told you that I hated you, too? REMEMBER?
Sigh. Those were the days. Thanks again for reminding me.....
Better than indifference.
My 2 teens still live at home but if any of us start to use that language we separate until we cool off. After apologies, we resume family life understanding that occasionally, feelings can get out of control.
I can't imagine continuing a phone call once the language deteriorates to being disrespectful.
Ugly words are painful and continue to damage as they reappear in memories.
My kids are still working on biting my tongue but I've excelled at getting out of earshot to protect my own emotion health.
at least you know you are thought of and loved...smiles....
Ahhh, the joys of motherhood.....just when you've thought they've grown and evolved the child in them just comes rushing back.
Oh dear...I can see this in my future.
After the first %$#@%@$$ I would have hung up. Makes no difference who was saying it to me I'd have hung up.
That sounds awful. :(
Refreshing when people live down to their standard behaviors.
I hope she reads this and it really pisses her off. Sometimes humor really is the best weapon.
but the real reason I loved this exchange? Because after these last two years, I feel that maybe, just maybe, things are returning to our sense of normal. And my heart is rejoicing.
xx @)!@& right it is.
LOL ... I love a good Mother/Daughter talk.
Oh $#!t.
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